
  • Homelab Update

    Posted in DevOps, Featured, Homelab on Aug 09, 2023

    It's been a while since I posted anything. I wanted to posted an update on the homelab and the future for it.

  • Setting up K3s - Part 1

    Posted in DevOps, Featured, Homelab, Kubernetes/Docker on Jun 03, 2022

    My homelab is something I get very little time to work on but I've been wanting to upgrade from Portainer and multiple instances running docker. I'd been wanting to play with Kubernetes and setting up my own cluster to play around with. In these posts I plan to install kubernetes on my new Rock Pi's and migrate my homelab into the new cluster.

  • Installing Focal on Rock Pi 4 B

    Posted in DevOps, Homelab on May 21, 2022

    Today, I setup my first Rock Pi 4 Model B with Armbian to get Ubuntu Focal on the eMMC. I've made some steps that anyone can repeat to get the same setup.

  • Setting up a multistream Server with Nginx

    Posted in DevOps, Misc on Feb 17, 2018

    For a while when I've been streaming games to Twitch I have been wanting to stream to Facebook, Mixer and Youtube as well. Some services like offer a stream to multiple services at once but some of the features such as streaming to Facebook are paid features and costing over £15 a month its quite expensive to add in.

  • Installing PHP7 with nginx and MySQL on Debian 8 - Part 3

    Posted in DevOps, Out of date on May 25, 2016

    In this article we will go through the basics of setting up a Debian 8 Server with PHP7, nginx and MySQL. This guide is aimed at people who have yet to have installed a web server from scratch or need pointers in getting their first server setup. In Part 3 we are doing some more advanced configurations and improving security.

  • Installing PHP7 with nginx and MySQL on Debian 8 - Part 2

    Posted in DevOps, Out of date on May 16, 2016

    In this article we will go through the basics of setting up a Debian 8 Server with PHP7, nginx and MySQL. This guide is aimed at people who have yet to have installed a web server from scratch or need pointers in getting their first server setup. In Part 2 we go through configuring the services and getting things running.

  • Installing PHP7 with nginx and MySQL on Debian 8 - Part 1

    Posted in DevOps, Out of date on May 09, 2016

    In this article we will go through the basics of setting up a Debian 8 Server with PHP7, nginx and MySQL. This guide is aimed at people who have yet to have installed a web server from scratch or need pointers in getting their first server setup. In Part 1 we are getting everything installed and ready to configure.